By: Faisal Ansari
As we move through history and the chaos of our time, and amid the chaos in places like Gaza, when all they can hear is the thunder of gunshots, and all we can hear is the thunder of materialism and greed and all they could smell is the violence in the air, and all we can smell is our own lack of content. I think back and am amazed at how I could allow myself to loose hope whatever the circumstance in my own life be here in the land of the free and the home of the brave. We all have something we are hurting from and we reach out to each other as Muslims hoping someone will lend a helping hand. Maybe it is time to rethink whether we really care or not, or are we just living day to day?
And it is then that my thoughts become so clear and true, that three words run through my mind endlessly, repeating themselves like a broken record: Smiling is a charity, Smiling is a charity, smiling is a charity. His saying softening my heart somehow and seeing things differently allowing the anguish and the pain to fade like the stars at dawn.
The final messenger of God named Muhammad (peace be upon him), when first learning of him it was through a smile that I became a practicing Muslim.
And now when thinking of the Prophet he reminds me of a Desert Rose, a desert rose dressed tall in Red standing and illuminated by the light of the moon, his message calls to me like a siren in the night and he is a freedom to me from the evil of my soul, hope, faith and the strength to carry on and his selfless message contained the greatest gift to me and to you, a healing and a solace - the greatest gift being the love of God and a clean soul. A hope that through a smile we can end the injustice and hatred against the innocent.
In every story of the Prophet Muhammad there is a reminder of how he would treat people with a soft heart, affection, concern, love, and most of all, a smile. They say that He once said something magnificent- "Even a smile is charity."
A long time ago this young man in his early twenties used to hate going to the mosque and would only go when his mother would force him to. When he would go there all he would see were faces of hatred and discontent. One day feeling lost and alone he found himself at the footsteps of that mosque. As he stood outside it, a brother of Syrian origin appeared and he had a great big smile on his face and he was smiling right at the young man. This brother had noor (Iight) on his face and around him, metaphorically speaking. He really did, and the young man could not gather why he smiled at him and actually greeted him and asked him how he was doing. The young man developed a burning desire after that day to seek out this man and he eventually became his student and learned the basics of Islam from him.
It was a smile that brought that confused young man to the light of God. A simple implementation of the practice of our beloved Prophet Muhammad being a smile that shined the light of Islam on him. Who would have every thought that a smile could go so far and it came from the heart connected to the light of God. "Light upon Light."
It is through learning about the Prophet and how he dealt with people that we can learn to love again and treat our loved ones with respect and a kind word. It is not easy to do but it can be attained. The Prophet Muhammad who had a prayer for everything one could think of conveyed stories of how he dealt with his people including the non-Muslims, the new converts to Islam, travelers, the poor, the passerby, his friends and his loved ones and so on. And we learn from his history that he took everyone's situation into consideration and dealt with them with a gentle word and not with harshness as we are so accustomed to these days. As the Prophet said, "one who is devoid of mercy is not shown any mercy (Sahih Muslim)."
It's hard to go up to a father who treated you and your family in an inhuman way on a daily basis for years and forgive. What will we do as Muslims? Let's, let the hurt go, because it is time to stop playing victim to depression, anger, hatred, guilt, and greed as our Prophet taught us to not dwell on the past.. As one scholar said, if we were tested with some of the things that Muhammad , had to deal with, then we would end up in the puzzle factory wondering what hit us. Because the problem with our new culture is that we can't handle pressure and we break at the slightest things because we live in a Prozac society of instant gratification.
Instead, Shine your light and be all that you can for Allah and his Prophet and help yourself and lead yourself and your family and humanity. And lastly the Prophet said, "Sabr (patience) is a shining glory. The Qur'an is an argument either for you or against you. Everybody goes out in the morning and sells themselves, either setting themselves free or destroying themselves." It is time to stop running and hiding between the shadows and the lies wherever that may be for us and to be a light to other people and make the world a better place as the Quran tells us.
Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth,
The parable of His Light is as if there were a niche,
And within it a Lamp: The Lamp enclosed in Glass;
The glass as it were a brilliant star;
Lit from a blessed Tree,
An Olive, neither of the East nor of the West,
Whose oil is well-nigh luminous, though fire scarce touched it;
Light upon Light!
Allah doth set forth parables for men: and Allah doth know all things.
Quran 24:35 Al Nur (The Light)
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
Muslims and Palestine
By: Tariq Ramadan
Listening to the feelings expressed by Muslims around the world, one perceives an emotion of anger and revolt mixed with a deep sense of helplessness. The current massacres are but a confirmation of the well known: the "international community" does not really care about the Palestinians, and it is as if the state of Israel, with the support of the United States and some European countries, has imposed a state of intellectual terror. Among the presidents and kings, nobody dares to speak out; nobody is ready to say the truth. All are paralyzed by fear.
While the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is sometimes perceived, and experienced, as crucial to the relationship between the West and Islam, many Muslims no longer know how to act and react. What does Islam have to do with it? Should we make it a religious concern in order to call upon the ummah to mobilize itself? Essential questions in truth.
Muslims around the world are facing three distinct phenomena. First, in the Muslim-majority countries or in the West, they see they can expect no reaction from governments, especially from the Arab states. They adopt the position of silent complicity, hypocrisy, and contempt for Palestinian lives. Second, Western media coverage is alarming, with a majority of them accepting and reproducing the Israeli story: two belligerents are of equal strength, with the victim of aggression (Israel) acting in self-defense. What a distortion! Yet the third phenomenon is most interesting: while 73% of Europeans were backing Israel in 1967, more than 67% are supporting the Palestinians today. With time, understanding and sensibility have evolved: populations are not blindly following the games and hypocritical stands of their political elites.
Considering these factors, Muslims around the world, and especially Western Muslims, should clarify their position. While refusing to turn the Israeli-Palestinian war into a religious conflict, they should not deny its religious dimension and thus take a clear stand. From an Islamic viewpoint, it should be clear that their resistance is not against Jews (anti-Semitism is anti-Islamic); targeting innocent civilians must be condemned on both siddes; and the objective should be for Jews, Christians, and Muslims (with women and men of other religions or no religion) to live together with equal rights and dignity.
The Palestinians are never going to give up; and Israel, for all its awesome firepower, has not won the conflict. Muslims around the world should be a driving force of remembrance and resistance. Not as Muslims against Israel or the hypocritical Arab states, but more broadly for justice with all (religious or not) who refuse to be brainwashed or reduced to powerless spectators. It is time to create broad alliances and synergies around clear political objectives.
If the Middle East is teaching Muslims anything, it is to stop acting in isolation and return to the universal values they share with their fellow citizens. They should realize they are in and with the majority. Demonstrations, articles, and so on are necessary but we need to go further. To launch a global movement of non-violent resistance to the violent and extremist policy of the state of Israel has become imperative. The violence inflicted, in front of us, upon a population of one and a half million humans makes our silence, our divisions, and even our limited emotional reactions undignified, unhealthy, and inhumane. A true and dignified resistance requires commitment, patience, and a long-term strategy of information, alliance, and non-violent democratic participation.
Tariq Ramadan is a professor of Islamic studies at the University of Oxford and the author of Radical Reform: Islamic Ethics and Liberation (2009), In the Footsteps of the Prophet: Lessons from the Life of Muhammad (2007), Western Muslims and the Future of Islam (2004), Islam, the West, and the Challenge of Modernity (2001), and To Be a European Muslim (1999). A version of this article in English first appeared on Ramadan's Web site on 2 January 2009. This version is based on the English text that appeared in his site.
Buy books by Tariq Ramadan. All book sales benefit IslamiCity. A non-profit site working since 1995 to promote objective information about Islam.
Listening to the feelings expressed by Muslims around the world, one perceives an emotion of anger and revolt mixed with a deep sense of helplessness. The current massacres are but a confirmation of the well known: the "international community" does not really care about the Palestinians, and it is as if the state of Israel, with the support of the United States and some European countries, has imposed a state of intellectual terror. Among the presidents and kings, nobody dares to speak out; nobody is ready to say the truth. All are paralyzed by fear.
While the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is sometimes perceived, and experienced, as crucial to the relationship between the West and Islam, many Muslims no longer know how to act and react. What does Islam have to do with it? Should we make it a religious concern in order to call upon the ummah to mobilize itself? Essential questions in truth.
Muslims around the world are facing three distinct phenomena. First, in the Muslim-majority countries or in the West, they see they can expect no reaction from governments, especially from the Arab states. They adopt the position of silent complicity, hypocrisy, and contempt for Palestinian lives. Second, Western media coverage is alarming, with a majority of them accepting and reproducing the Israeli story: two belligerents are of equal strength, with the victim of aggression (Israel) acting in self-defense. What a distortion! Yet the third phenomenon is most interesting: while 73% of Europeans were backing Israel in 1967, more than 67% are supporting the Palestinians today. With time, understanding and sensibility have evolved: populations are not blindly following the games and hypocritical stands of their political elites.
Considering these factors, Muslims around the world, and especially Western Muslims, should clarify their position. While refusing to turn the Israeli-Palestinian war into a religious conflict, they should not deny its religious dimension and thus take a clear stand. From an Islamic viewpoint, it should be clear that their resistance is not against Jews (anti-Semitism is anti-Islamic); targeting innocent civilians must be condemned on both siddes; and the objective should be for Jews, Christians, and Muslims (with women and men of other religions or no religion) to live together with equal rights and dignity.
The Palestinians are never going to give up; and Israel, for all its awesome firepower, has not won the conflict. Muslims around the world should be a driving force of remembrance and resistance. Not as Muslims against Israel or the hypocritical Arab states, but more broadly for justice with all (religious or not) who refuse to be brainwashed or reduced to powerless spectators. It is time to create broad alliances and synergies around clear political objectives.
If the Middle East is teaching Muslims anything, it is to stop acting in isolation and return to the universal values they share with their fellow citizens. They should realize they are in and with the majority. Demonstrations, articles, and so on are necessary but we need to go further. To launch a global movement of non-violent resistance to the violent and extremist policy of the state of Israel has become imperative. The violence inflicted, in front of us, upon a population of one and a half million humans makes our silence, our divisions, and even our limited emotional reactions undignified, unhealthy, and inhumane. A true and dignified resistance requires commitment, patience, and a long-term strategy of information, alliance, and non-violent democratic participation.
Tariq Ramadan is a professor of Islamic studies at the University of Oxford and the author of Radical Reform: Islamic Ethics and Liberation (2009), In the Footsteps of the Prophet: Lessons from the Life of Muhammad (2007), Western Muslims and the Future of Islam (2004), Islam, the West, and the Challenge of Modernity (2001), and To Be a European Muslim (1999). A version of this article in English first appeared on Ramadan's Web site on 2 January 2009. This version is based on the English text that appeared in his site.
Buy books by Tariq Ramadan. All book sales benefit IslamiCity. A non-profit site working since 1995 to promote objective information about Islam.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Hijrah tuntut perubahan prinsip dan sikap
Oleh Nik Salida Suhaila Nik Saleh
Generasi muda mesti berilmu serta matang membuat keputusan harungi cabaran alaf baru
PENGHIJRAHAN kaum Muslimin di bawah pimpinan Rasulullah SAW dari kota Makkah ke kota Madinah adalah dimensi baru kepada dakwah Islamiah serta simbolik kepada penghayatan ajaran Islam sebenar. Ia juga detik penting kepada pembaharuan sistem nilai dan hidup manusia. Penghijrahan yang mematangkan penyebaran risalah Allah tidak mungkin berjaya jika tidak diiringi perubahan sikap dan prinsip umat Islam ketika berdepan suasana baru.
Rasulullah SAW sendiri dalam misi Baginda sudah menanam benih perpaduan, persaudaraan, tolong-menolong, pengorbanan, kecintaan dan ketakwaan dalam sanubari golongan Muhajirin serta Ansar. Itulah unsur paling penting kepada umat Islam sebagai persediaan menghadapi cabaran dan ujian sama ada daripada kaum kufur, munafik, iblis atau nafsu diri sendiri.
Perjuangan meneruskan misi Rasulullah SAW di muka bumi ini iaitu meninggikan kalimah Allah sehingga menjadi rahmat kepada sekalian alam, memerlukan keyakinan tinggi dan mantap. Ummah perlu yakin berbekalkan keimanan, semangat jihad serta panduan berasaskan al-Quran dan sunnah, perjuangan menyampaikan risalah Islam akan berjaya dan mendapat pertolongan serta inayah Allah.
Hari ini, perubahan zaman yang begitu pantas menghambat umat Islam melakukan persediaan dan persiapan jitu bagi menghadapi perubahan serta kejutan dengan menyediakan barisan pelapis generasi muda yang bukan saja tega menghadapi ledakan perubahan bahkan meneruskan perjuangan memartabatkan Islam di muka bumi ini. Dunia tanpa sempadan dan cabarannya hanya mampu diharungi generasi umat yang bersedia dari segi mental, fizikal dan spiritual. Penghijrahan nilai, etika serta peradaban hidup perlu diberi perhatian khusus dalam membentuk negara menuju alaf baru dan sejahtera.
Tiada guna kita maju dalam teknologi dan maklumat, tetapi jiwa kering kontang, senang dibawa arus hawa nafsu yang dipimpin iblis dan syaitan. Selepas hijrah, umat Islam perlu memantapkan kefahaman menerusi akidah tauhid dengan mendalami ilmu agama, penghayatan al-Quran, mengkaji sejarah dan perjuangan Rasulullah SAW serta sahabat. Perbincangan ilmiah sesama cendekiawan Islam dan pada masa sama menguatkan hubungan dengan Allah dengan memperbanyakkan solat, doa, dan ibadat sunat.
Allah berfirman yang bermaksud:
“Sesungguhnya Allah tidak mengubah apa yang ada pada sesuatu kaum sehingga mereka mengubah apa yang ada pada diri mereka.” (Surah Ar-Ra’d, ayat 11).
Hijrah juga mengingatkan kita pentingnya sikap cekal dalam diri. Berbekalkan penghayatan nilai kecekalan inilah barisan pelapis umat berupaya tabah dalam mengharungi cabaran alaf baru. Pencapaian umat Islam yang begitu gemilang dalam bidang keilmuan sehingga mampu mencorak dunia dengan pelbagai disiplin ilmu, tidak mungkin datang tiba-tiba dan kebetulan tanpa usaha yang cekal, gigih berserta semangat jihad tertanam kuat dalam jiwa. Sesungguhnya daya juang tinggi dapat dikutip daripada generasi hijrah pertama. Ilmu juga diperoleh melalui pengalaman apabila seseorang mengalami peristiwa yang memberi pengajaran kepadanya. Sejarah menunjukkan kepada kita perkara utama dibawa Rasulullah SAW kepada masyarakatnya ialah ilmu yang boleh menyedarkan mereka untuk mengenali diri dan Allah seterusnya melaksanakan tanggungjawab diamanahkan kepada mereka.
Umat Islam perlu merenung dan berfikir mengenai keruntuhan serta kemusnahan kaum terdahulu supaya dapat memperkukuhkan jiwa menghadapi alaf baru. Sebab itu hijrah mengajar kita bersikap matang dalam mengambil sesuatu keputusan atau tindakan.
Kewarasan bertunjangkan syariat dan ketenangan berasakan iman serta takwa yang melahirkan kematangan perlu disemai dalam jiwa umat Islam pada zaman siber kerana tindakan yang hanya berlandaskan akal atau nafsu menyebabkan negara dan ummah binasa.
Kita tidak boleh meletakkan kebenaran atas suara ramai. Justeru, kita perlu berpegang kepada prinsip berlandaskan al-Quran dan hadis. Ketika Rasulullah SAW ditawarkan harta, pangkat dan wanita supaya meninggalkan seruan Islam, Baginda bersabda yang bermaksud:
“Sekiranya diletakkan matahari di tangan kananku dan bulan di tangan kiriku supaya aku meninggalkan pekerjaan ini, tidak sekali-kali aku tinggalkan sama ada aku berjaya atau menemui ajal.”
Pada hari ini, jelas kelihatan betapa masyarakat Islam semakin tidak bersatu-padu, sekalipun mereka mengetahui kehidupan begitu sifat masyarakat jahiliah. Keadaan masyarakat yang kebanyakannya hidup dengan mempertahan serta mementingkan diri boleh melemahkan ummah dan negara. Sikap individualistik tidak patut dididik dalam pemikiran umat Islam terutama generasi muda. Sejarah membuktikan umat Islam lantaran perpecahan di kalangan mereka, menjadi mangsa kekejaman, pembunuhan dan permainan musuh Islam. Umat Islam sanggup bermusuhan dan berbunuhan tanpa menyedari puak kufur adalah dalang pembunuhan sesama mereka.
Justeru, kesatuan dan perpaduan adalah aset terpenting sebagai bekalan umat ke alaf baru. Perpecahan sekalipun sedikit dan kecil, lambat laun pasti akan merebak dan seterusnya menyentap perjuangan umat Islam daripada puncak kejayaan. Peristiwa hijrah membuktikan perpaduan umat Islam antara Muhajirin dan Ansar adalah inti pati kejayaan hijrah dan perjuangan Islam. Memasuki alaf baru yang serba-serbi sejagat tidak memungkinkan kita hidup dalam keadaan terasing.
Dunia tanpa sempadan serta kemajuan yang menyatukan pelbagai bangsa dan negara adalah cabaran yang berhajatkan umat Islam bersatu padu. Percanggahan perkara pokok mesti dielakkan, manakala perselisihan masalah cabang memerlukan sikap keterbukaan dan berlapang dada.
Umat Islam perlu sedar musuh pasti akan bersatu apabila berdepan dengan Islam. Firman Allah yang bermaksud:
“Orang-orang Yahudi dan Nasrani tidak akan senang kepada kamu sehingga kamu mengikuti agama mereka.” (Surah al-Baqarah, ayat 120)
- Penulis ialah Pensyarah Kanan Fakulti Syariah dan Undang-undang Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Generasi muda mesti berilmu serta matang membuat keputusan harungi cabaran alaf baru
PENGHIJRAHAN kaum Muslimin di bawah pimpinan Rasulullah SAW dari kota Makkah ke kota Madinah adalah dimensi baru kepada dakwah Islamiah serta simbolik kepada penghayatan ajaran Islam sebenar. Ia juga detik penting kepada pembaharuan sistem nilai dan hidup manusia. Penghijrahan yang mematangkan penyebaran risalah Allah tidak mungkin berjaya jika tidak diiringi perubahan sikap dan prinsip umat Islam ketika berdepan suasana baru.
Rasulullah SAW sendiri dalam misi Baginda sudah menanam benih perpaduan, persaudaraan, tolong-menolong, pengorbanan, kecintaan dan ketakwaan dalam sanubari golongan Muhajirin serta Ansar. Itulah unsur paling penting kepada umat Islam sebagai persediaan menghadapi cabaran dan ujian sama ada daripada kaum kufur, munafik, iblis atau nafsu diri sendiri.
Perjuangan meneruskan misi Rasulullah SAW di muka bumi ini iaitu meninggikan kalimah Allah sehingga menjadi rahmat kepada sekalian alam, memerlukan keyakinan tinggi dan mantap. Ummah perlu yakin berbekalkan keimanan, semangat jihad serta panduan berasaskan al-Quran dan sunnah, perjuangan menyampaikan risalah Islam akan berjaya dan mendapat pertolongan serta inayah Allah.
Hari ini, perubahan zaman yang begitu pantas menghambat umat Islam melakukan persediaan dan persiapan jitu bagi menghadapi perubahan serta kejutan dengan menyediakan barisan pelapis generasi muda yang bukan saja tega menghadapi ledakan perubahan bahkan meneruskan perjuangan memartabatkan Islam di muka bumi ini. Dunia tanpa sempadan dan cabarannya hanya mampu diharungi generasi umat yang bersedia dari segi mental, fizikal dan spiritual. Penghijrahan nilai, etika serta peradaban hidup perlu diberi perhatian khusus dalam membentuk negara menuju alaf baru dan sejahtera.
Tiada guna kita maju dalam teknologi dan maklumat, tetapi jiwa kering kontang, senang dibawa arus hawa nafsu yang dipimpin iblis dan syaitan. Selepas hijrah, umat Islam perlu memantapkan kefahaman menerusi akidah tauhid dengan mendalami ilmu agama, penghayatan al-Quran, mengkaji sejarah dan perjuangan Rasulullah SAW serta sahabat. Perbincangan ilmiah sesama cendekiawan Islam dan pada masa sama menguatkan hubungan dengan Allah dengan memperbanyakkan solat, doa, dan ibadat sunat.
Allah berfirman yang bermaksud:
“Sesungguhnya Allah tidak mengubah apa yang ada pada sesuatu kaum sehingga mereka mengubah apa yang ada pada diri mereka.” (Surah Ar-Ra’d, ayat 11).
Hijrah juga mengingatkan kita pentingnya sikap cekal dalam diri. Berbekalkan penghayatan nilai kecekalan inilah barisan pelapis umat berupaya tabah dalam mengharungi cabaran alaf baru. Pencapaian umat Islam yang begitu gemilang dalam bidang keilmuan sehingga mampu mencorak dunia dengan pelbagai disiplin ilmu, tidak mungkin datang tiba-tiba dan kebetulan tanpa usaha yang cekal, gigih berserta semangat jihad tertanam kuat dalam jiwa. Sesungguhnya daya juang tinggi dapat dikutip daripada generasi hijrah pertama. Ilmu juga diperoleh melalui pengalaman apabila seseorang mengalami peristiwa yang memberi pengajaran kepadanya. Sejarah menunjukkan kepada kita perkara utama dibawa Rasulullah SAW kepada masyarakatnya ialah ilmu yang boleh menyedarkan mereka untuk mengenali diri dan Allah seterusnya melaksanakan tanggungjawab diamanahkan kepada mereka.
Umat Islam perlu merenung dan berfikir mengenai keruntuhan serta kemusnahan kaum terdahulu supaya dapat memperkukuhkan jiwa menghadapi alaf baru. Sebab itu hijrah mengajar kita bersikap matang dalam mengambil sesuatu keputusan atau tindakan.
Kewarasan bertunjangkan syariat dan ketenangan berasakan iman serta takwa yang melahirkan kematangan perlu disemai dalam jiwa umat Islam pada zaman siber kerana tindakan yang hanya berlandaskan akal atau nafsu menyebabkan negara dan ummah binasa.
Kita tidak boleh meletakkan kebenaran atas suara ramai. Justeru, kita perlu berpegang kepada prinsip berlandaskan al-Quran dan hadis. Ketika Rasulullah SAW ditawarkan harta, pangkat dan wanita supaya meninggalkan seruan Islam, Baginda bersabda yang bermaksud:
“Sekiranya diletakkan matahari di tangan kananku dan bulan di tangan kiriku supaya aku meninggalkan pekerjaan ini, tidak sekali-kali aku tinggalkan sama ada aku berjaya atau menemui ajal.”
Pada hari ini, jelas kelihatan betapa masyarakat Islam semakin tidak bersatu-padu, sekalipun mereka mengetahui kehidupan begitu sifat masyarakat jahiliah. Keadaan masyarakat yang kebanyakannya hidup dengan mempertahan serta mementingkan diri boleh melemahkan ummah dan negara. Sikap individualistik tidak patut dididik dalam pemikiran umat Islam terutama generasi muda. Sejarah membuktikan umat Islam lantaran perpecahan di kalangan mereka, menjadi mangsa kekejaman, pembunuhan dan permainan musuh Islam. Umat Islam sanggup bermusuhan dan berbunuhan tanpa menyedari puak kufur adalah dalang pembunuhan sesama mereka.
Justeru, kesatuan dan perpaduan adalah aset terpenting sebagai bekalan umat ke alaf baru. Perpecahan sekalipun sedikit dan kecil, lambat laun pasti akan merebak dan seterusnya menyentap perjuangan umat Islam daripada puncak kejayaan. Peristiwa hijrah membuktikan perpaduan umat Islam antara Muhajirin dan Ansar adalah inti pati kejayaan hijrah dan perjuangan Islam. Memasuki alaf baru yang serba-serbi sejagat tidak memungkinkan kita hidup dalam keadaan terasing.
Dunia tanpa sempadan serta kemajuan yang menyatukan pelbagai bangsa dan negara adalah cabaran yang berhajatkan umat Islam bersatu padu. Percanggahan perkara pokok mesti dielakkan, manakala perselisihan masalah cabang memerlukan sikap keterbukaan dan berlapang dada.
Umat Islam perlu sedar musuh pasti akan bersatu apabila berdepan dengan Islam. Firman Allah yang bermaksud:
“Orang-orang Yahudi dan Nasrani tidak akan senang kepada kamu sehingga kamu mengikuti agama mereka.” (Surah al-Baqarah, ayat 120)
- Penulis ialah Pensyarah Kanan Fakulti Syariah dan Undang-undang Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
XSMJ Gathering At Asun
Its great to be together again after about forty five years of leaving school.We were friends then and so its now eventhough times have changed everythings but friendship remains.This is one of our afford to gather all our school friends in a totally different environment.The men of honour in the gathering were our ex-teachers.We thanks them so much for their willingness to attend the gathering.
It's what each of us sows, and how, that gives to us character and prestige. Seeds of kindness, goodwill, and human understanding, planted in fertile soil, spring up into deathless friendships, big deeds of worth, and a memory that will not soon fade. . . .

It's what each of us sows, and how, that gives to us character and prestige. Seeds of kindness, goodwill, and human understanding, planted in fertile soil, spring up into deathless friendships, big deeds of worth, and a memory that will not soon fade. . . .


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